Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Play time with


We played with the toys down stairs, watch Special Agent OSO (Shaydon's favorite) ate lunch, took naps, snacked on fruit snacks, colored pictures and laugh and laugh........ We love when Milo
come to play. We are help out mom by taking Milo so she can pack :(
We hope to still have play groups with this little man when they come to Boise. We are sad to see them move. It seems like just when you get to know someone they move!!!!
I am going to miss my friend Cara and her family.
We have served in YW and Nursery together.
She is my yard sale partner and my seamstress/crafting partner.
I am going to miss our playgroups
her always helping me out with Shaydon when I work.
I canned apple sause for the 1st time with her
She taught me how to coupon
just to mention a few.....
Thanks for all you do for our family
You will be GREATLY missed!!!
We are glad fruitland isn't too far of a drive.


Jana said...

It's always hard to have good friends move. That is why Terry and I have to live here until our good friends decide to move - we will never find friends like that again.
PS - I want some of that chocolate pie!
PSS - Sometimes I forget that you have Slater - I was wondering what you were talking about when you said the "kids"

Cara said...

I'm going to miss you guys too.