Saturday, March 26, 2011


we always have so much fun when reagan comes to town. she is GREAT with the kids! even watching them while i worked a couple days this week. this is her spring break and she wanted to spend it with us! she is also getting braces on Thursday. so our menu plan this week was to eat everything she wanted to eat that she might not eat because of her braces. we went to the mall and went shopping, monkey binzness to play, took naps, watch movies once the kids went to bed, tried out u-swirl yogurt (delicious), both went to the dentist. we also went to burley to help my dad with the burley community auction!! it was super busy and while we were there we took slater in and he had a double ear infection. he just had one 3 weeks ago! we had reagan back to go home with her mom on sunday by 1:00pm. it is always so fun to have her here.

Thanks for all she does for us while she is here what a GREAT cousin!!!