Thursday, March 12, 2009


is how much 5 Lg bags of grocery's cost me at Albertsons or Albi's
(for you who are coupon shoppers)

Today was my first trip to Albertosn for coupon shopping
(I always thought they were too expensive)

My BEST deal was Campbell's Tomato soup on sale for .59 cents and I had a coupon that saved me .40 cents so I got them for .19 cents each.!! Yea for me!!

Depending on how much time you have it can be very addicting(trying to get the best deal)
rewarding when you look at your receipt and see you saved


twylla said...

coupon shopping can save money but like you said it takes a lot of time in the grocery store and no use saving coupons that you do not ever use unless you have a new food you want to try out

Jana said...

I love Albertson's fruits and vegetables.(Didn't Scott used to work for Albertson's?) I ususally shop three or four stores to get the best deals. Do you guys have a Sunflower Market? I hope this isn't the first time you've used coupons in your life. That just doesn't sound like you. We have double coupons at King Soopers although I don't use a lot of coupons.

bledsoeblog said...

YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Did your heart just race as you drove up to Albertson's? MINE DID the first time I did the coupon thang! Congrats on your savings!

Cara said...

Congrats on your first coupon shopping trip to Albies. If you ever want a coupon shopping partner in crime call me. It does get a little addicting I have stocked up pretty well and I have only been doing it for 7 months.

Travis and Marie said...

you amaze me! I am trying to do better, but I really stink at it!