Saturday, June 18, 2011

camp trey

happy 6th birthday treyman...

fishing for some....

Swedish fish...the BEST kind if you ask me!!

we headed over to wilson lake in nampa late because i worked in the am for treys camping party. rebecca put a lot of time into the planing part and it turned out GREAT! they started with a name tag on a piece of wood as a necklace, decorated binoculars to look for birds on the hike into their camp spot, fished, opened presents, had lunch, took pictures and played red light green light got a goodies bag for coming and headed back to parent pick up spot. it was fun to see all the kids and stay and help with everything. our kids had a blast!! Thanks to the best bestie ever and for letting us be apart of a special time!!

(on a side note its funny how sometime you have things planned and they just don't go as planned!! communication was just not there, and no matter how on time we tried to be it just didn't happen, things were assumed, things forgot, drama, cranky kids okay adults too, so it was a good day to have such a good friend and be there to help each other and know that it's just not you! thanks for always being there for me & i am glad others have a bad day once and awhile too.)


ps. the best part of the day also came when scott and i got a date day after the party. how great was it to have her watch the kids for us, for a couple of hours of alone time! Sonic happy hour.....

Thanks Justin and Rebecca. We love you guys so much!


Debbie said...

You are so lucky to have such great friends....they are so precious and how wonderful is that!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Rebecca and Justin for being such good friends to Sommers ,Scott and their family.
Love you