Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary

9 YEARS & counting.....

this is what i woke up to on tuesday morning with some wild flowers, my favorite!!
Our anniversary was today which is the only day i work & i was sick. So we celebrated it on Saturday. We had Emma come over to babysit and did some shopping for Easter and running around together, which doesn't happen very often and then had lunch at texas roadhouse and dessert at DQ! Chocolate ice cream dip in cherry.
We came home to Shaydon sleeping and so we took a nap too.
In the afternoon we went to Indian Lakes golf course and hit a bucket of balls with Bo & Jamie. Shaydon sure had fun (getting in the way too)
It was his first time golfing & he is still talking about it

the simple things that make us happy
thanks honey for a wonderful day