Wednesday, March 3, 2010

To: Shaydon & Landon

From: Grandma Nana

Happy Valentines Day

My mom sent this to the kids to open on Valentines day, but we saved it and did it when Landon comes over on Wednesday. They had lots of fun opening them up. Who doesn't like bunny snacks and suckers!!! Shaydon says " can i have some of nana's bunny snacks" he really has a good memory and know who and what people give to him. He gets this from his dad. I have a hard time remembering what I did yesterday!!

Thank you Grandma Nana!!!
We love you!!!


Debbie said...


thanks so much for the great pictures of Landon and Shaydon opening the snacks ....they were so cute together...good job for keeping them together. They will cherish there time together later in life.


bledsoeblog said...

They are too stinkin' cute! So cute!