Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday

We decided to surprise papa for his special day and head to Burley for the weekend & also help with a big auction he had (the Burley community sale). We went down on Friday night and got into Burley about 9:30pm. We had pizza for dinner and tried to wake papa up, but he must of been so tired. Shaydon couldn't get him off the couch. Shaydon was up early with papa at 7:30AM. We worked the auction all day and then went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant and then had dessert at Mimi's. We bought a chocolate cream pie which is his favorite. Thanks to Barbara and Larry for watching Shaydon in the afternoon and getting him to take a nap. Also to Mimi for her hard work and patience. It sure was good to see and visit with everyone.
I didn't take out my camera once the whole trip so here is one from Christmas.
Love you dad and hope you had a GREAT day!!
p.s. we lost Shaydon at the auction for about 30 seconds and I was freaking out. I didn't know I could yell that loud. Those poor customers who were at the window saw it all unfold.
"I was just having fun climbing on the tractors, MOM" Shaydon said.