Monday, April 19, 2010

only 5 weeks left

a big shocker is that their is only 35 more days i can't believe it in ways it has gone by so fast, but in other ways i thought it would never come. I can't believe I am going to be a mother of two precious boys!! Going to the Dr. every 2 weeks. Still sleeping good and enjoying my water aerobics class, the baby turned and is now head down and gets the hick-ups a lot. Loving sweets right now. Can't wait for my girls night and mani/pedi appointment. Loves & looks forward to my massages. Still nervous for the delivery, but excited for my mom to come to town & only two more weeks left of work.

still working on:

the nursery, need to pack my and the babies bags, pick up car seat attachment for stroller, purchase gift for shaydon from the baby & and baby book (any good suggestions?), brag book for the new baby started, cleaning the base boards and lights.


house stocked with food and supplies, arrangements made for shaydon, dental appointments made, maternity pix taken (thanks rebecca) & vehicles cleaned.


bledsoeblog said...

You look amazing. A true model for sure.

twylla said...

way to busy with all the preparations. guess I am just the lazy kind. today we got anew stake president and councilers it is chad Jones and tim preston and tracy oh my golly I forgot his last nemme all of his kids has gone to dawns school and the baby of the family is going now they are the ones that adoped several children from some foreign country but they are such a nice faamily their grandparents are the neil wyatts that is grant wyatts brother It was a nice conference and I am sure some fo the preston kids were your age and chad is craigs brother. they will be great It seems I am so tired but I cant go to sleep just sit in my chair and try to wait for something good to appear on the tv. the tv is so boring anymore. Hope you are having a good day love you shaydon and the new baby also

Debbie said...


You are working way to hard, you won't have anything left for me to do when i come. you look really good missing not seeing you pregnant and rubbing that tummy ,i can't wait to be there.