Wednesday, April 14, 2010



We just wanted you to know how much we love you!!! We fell in love with you the moment you entered this world. We have been so lucky to see you as much as we have in the last 2 years. Your grandma and grandpa Hunt & great grandma Hunt love you and care for you so much too. Everyone in the family is always asking us how you are doing and we love to be the ones to keep them in touch. They are always sending you things in the mail, coming to see you, calling you and checking in especially on Wednesdays. Holidays, special events, birthday's, Roaring Springs, Monkey Business and of course Wednesday's are special times we have gotten to share with you. Or should I say mac & cheese Wednesday's. I think that is your favorite food right now. Shaydon and you have a love hate relationship. One second you are sharing and getting along fine and the next you are fighting as cousins do or any typical 2 year olds. Most of the time you are GREAT though. Such a good napper. Today has been one month since we have gotten to see you and we miss you terribly. It's very hard to explain to Shaydon that we don't know when the next time we will get to see you again will be, but we all hope that day will come soon. We just wanted you to know that we have always wanted to be a part of your life and have done everything we feel we could. We just wanted you to be able to look back on this and know that we love you very much. You & Shaydon have had lots of memories together thus far in your lives and I hope you don't forget that we are the other side of your family. I know we won't forget who you are. Until we see you again.

Love~ Sommers ~ Scott ~ Shaydon ~Roxy ~ and baby "S"


bledsoeblog said...

So sweetly stated Sommers! You have a way with words AND a way with love. You have lovingly opened your heart to those who enter your life, just as you have with Landon! He is a very lucky boy to have a sweet aunt like you who loves him unconditionally!