Friday, August 13, 2010

2 months old

cool blue camo band aids
he is still smiling
Our little man (as Shaydon calls him) is already 2 months old.
CRAZY. Where does the time go.
13 lbs ~ 56%
25 inches ~ 90%
16 HC ~ 44%
He's going to be tall ~Scott's already talking about his basketball star!!
Slater started sleeping through the night on his 2 month birthday ~ 9:00 pm until 8-8:30am. He is such a easy baby. He is eating every 2.5-3 hours during the day and taking 3-4 naps a day. The 4th one is a CAT nap right before bed. He eats like a champ and loves mama's milk. No soreness either. He takes a bottle way better than Shaydon did now that mom is working again. He is filling out all over his body. Getting little rolls. He has a bald spot on the back of his head even though I nap him on his side. (I really didn't want him to get it) It even wraps around on the sides. He started to smile, giggle, cooing and even laugh to anyone who will talk to him. I've never seen such a smiley baby. he seems so happy and you can see it in his eyes. He never cries!!! Just fussy when he gets hungry or tired. He does take the Binky when he's getting hungry and that will give you about 30 minutes till he needs to be feed. The circumcision healed fine and so did his belly button. Still has a little fold in his right ear which will be his marker!! The cradle cap in gone thank goodness it didn't last too long. I think he smells like a boy not a baby. Got that from his dad. His blessing by his father went well and he is well loved by friends and family. I feel very blessed to be his mother. I don't know if it's because i feel more comfortable in my mothering skills or if he is just a laid back little boy but two is not as bad as i though it would be. I love the age difference. Shaydon is really into his brother and wants to know where he is. Helps with diapers, putting the Binky in and playing/dancing/talking-singing to him.
I am so lucky to have such a good little boy!!!
We love you and are so excited that you a apart of our family!!


bledsoeblog said...

You will treasure all of these tidbits you have written for Slater! He IS such a happy baby. I think the only time I have ever seen him fuss was when I was holding him during his blessing luncheon!