Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our Capital

check that pose out!! didn't ask him to do that.
(check out the three ball lights in between the pillars?)
here is a pix from the middle ball of down town.. cool huh?

i took a photo like this at the US capital thought it would be a good addition to the photo album

in the VIP section :)

the "room"
the Idaho capital has been under remodel for quite some time and we have wanted to go and see the new look. so we started the day off at the down town market and then headed over to the capital. i didn't know if you could go in to the "room" but it was open and we went in. we had a fun time and shaydon though it was pretty cool. it's been since we (scott and i) were in 4th grade that we have been to the capital. not quite what i remember. the visitor center was very interesting and lots of information. saw our tax dollars at work. VERY BEAUTIFUL!!! we ended up with a potty accident and having to leave but that will happen sometimes, not to mention that his shoe strap kept falling off every sec..


Jana said...

There is so much to do in your own home town if you just can find it. We went to Colorado's captial building when the kids were little. The Gov's secretary let us go into his office even though we weren't supposed to. And we could climb to the top of the dome - which I hated! We didn't have any potty accidents though - but almost when I was way up high

bledsoeblog said...

I have ALWAYS wanted to go to the capitol!