Tuesday, January 25, 2011

8 months

is how old slater is.....
although these photos are him at 6 months taken by Rebecca from be photography
isn't she great!! check out her site!!!

Wow my baby is growing up.
his stats are:

height:28 inches ~ 50%
weight: 16.3 lbs ~ 3%
Where did my basketball star go?

he is sitting by himself
started on solid food for dinner
picking up snacks, puffs, cheerios, yogurt melts, mum mums
has two bottom teeth that came in together
loves his Binky
sleeping 7 hrs straight and then one night feeding and back to sleep till 8am
always so happy even if he hasn't pooped in 15 days... watch out!
loves bath time
hates tummy time
rolls from his tummy to the right on to his back
loves to play with big brother he makes him laugh a lot
wearing brothers 12 month clothes
he adapts well to our crazy schedule and is okay if he doesn't get a nap in
had is 1st hair cut, thx Nicole

We love him so much!!
He has Scott's personality and is very laid back and easy going, thank goodness.
Thx for being our little star slater!!!