Tuesday, January 25, 2011

nana comes to town

shaydon, nana, slater and landon
love there matching hurley hoodies, thanks nana!
they always want to be silly

eating our baked potato soup in our bread bowls

slater and landon's 1st photo together

bro and sis at tucanos

pat, jeff and shaydon at tucanos

mollie and slater at tucanos
what a crew
What a whirlwind of a week. She arrived on Tuesday afternoon and left by Sunday morning early. We spent two day's at doctor offices.(which we got the results and 4 years clear of cancer, woot woot) One day of shopping (Macy's, Dillard's and Ross). One day getting a pedi/mani (thanks Q-nails). There wasn't much time for relaxing. My boys kept them busy during any down time. In fact i think they were exhausted each night. So was I. We ate some good food (thai cuisine, willowcreek, tucanos and some home cooking). Had good company. We picked up Shaydon from preschool. Got nana a massage. Her trip to Boise are so fast, but we are glad to see her and Greg too. Thanks for making the road trip to COLD Idaho. mom your blood has thinned, but we still love you. Come to Idaho anytime we love and miss you!!! Thanks for all you do for us!!!
ps thanks for the lemons, trader joe applesauce & chap stick.


Korbi said...

Wow. Ive missed a lot on your blog! You hang out with Juston a lot? Scott got a job! Yeah! Hello to your beautiful mother for me! Is Jeff her boyfriend? Were the others relatives? Landon has grown so much! And Slater is a spitten image of his mother ;) Beautiful, I mean handsome boys!!!

Kortni said...

I miss your mom!!

Jana said...

Great news about Debbie. Looks like you had a lot of fun with your mom!

Debbie said...


Thank you so much for a wonderful time as usual, it's always to fast, though we loved every minute of it, you Scott and the boys (3) are the love of my life ,miss you terrible