Friday, May 30, 2008


One of those days....... (Long post, but worth the read)

Today started off GREAT!!! I got to watch Landon for the last time since school is out. Andie came over to play with Shaydon. One might think that 3 babies is a lot, but not me. They are all such good kids. When Landon arrived at 8:00am Shaydon was watching his movie and fell asleep by 9:00am I feed Landon at 9:15am and then he fell asleep. Andi arrived at 10:00am and Shaydon and Landon were still asleep. So I got 1.5 hours of one on one time with Andie, then she took a nap at about 11:20am. Shaydon woke up a 11:30am and I feed him. Andie woke up at 12:00 noon and they got to play for about 15 minutes before Kelli got there. Landon napped until 1:00pm. During the 10 minutes of free time I charged my camera battery from using it so much at Bear Lake. I also went to get Shaydon's diaper bag to restock it from being with Jessica on Tuesday. I couldn't find it anywhere! So I called Scott and found out that he forgot to take it out of the car yesterday and therefore still in the car which Scott drove to work. Oh well? One day with out it no big deal. I was planning on going to the store after Brooke came to pick up Landon. I'll just pack a little mini one to get by. I also started to make chicken enchilada dinner for our friends who had a baby a week ago. A perfect day!!! Right? Landon was GREAT Brooke came and picked him up (4:00pm) we visited and she brought me a BEAUTIFUL Orchard and card for watching Landon during the School year. (Thanks Brooke!)

Shaydon had gone back down for his second nap of the day a little early no biggie, but he should be waking up to eat. he never missed a meal, his like clock work. I waited until 4:50 and he was still napping. I put him in the car seat and we were off to Wal-mart and then Costco. I noticed when I put him in the car seat that he was a little warm, but they usually are right when they wake up. Didn't think much of it at the time. Now that Shaydon is getting bigger he loves to ride in the front of the shopping cart vs the car seat, but since he fell back asleep I just kept him in the seat at Wal-mart and Costco. Thinking back I thought for sure he would wake up and want to eat before I went in to Costco, but he didn't he was just content hanging out and drifting back and forth asleep.. Perfect, I will hurry and get everything I need and just feed him when I get home. I need to take dinner to them by 6:30pm and it's 6:00 now and I just parked in the garage. I got Shaydon unloaded and he just seemed different. Slow to wake up, winny, hot, lethargic, erratic breathing, I tried to feed him and he wouldn't eat. (Not like him) So I change his diaper and took a rectal temp and it was 103.3. I FREAKED out!!!! I tried to find the books that tell you what to do, but of course I couldn't find them. Do I take him to the ER? Called Scott no answer, at the gym!!! Called Mom no answer at home or on their cell!!! I called Chris (he always has his phone with him at the gym) no he was in Elko delivering a tractor. What do I do???? Plus I have dinner that I need to take to our friends. I the mean while Shaydon is screaming unhappy and wouldn't let me put him down. So, I call Jessica to see if she could take the meal to Schnoor's while I went to the ER. She was just getting out of a movie and i was going to meet her at her house and Teyan would deliver the food and she would come with me to the ER. Shaydon was loaded and the food in a matter of seconds and I was on the road. I beat Jessica to her house. On the way to the ER I called his doctor to talk to the on call nurse and they said I would be 45 minutes before they would call? I said "45 minutes I will be at the ER before that"!!! I was check in (6:30pm) and saw the Doctor in 15 minutes. They took him temp and it was 103.8. They gave him some tylenol, took some blood to run a CBC, blood culture and did a strep test. This was the saddest thing I've ever witnessed!! I thought his shot's were bad this was off the charts. I was crying with him. Scott did arrive by this time and Jessica took our car and went home. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH JESS!!! Just as I would settle Shaydon down (turned the lights off, started to sing his favorite song Silent Night he would fall asleep in my arms) they would come in and do more poking and prodding at him. he is not much of a cuddler, but he was tonight and over the next few days. We were checked out by 9:30pm and had in home and in bed by 10:00pm (for now). They could not find the root of the fever, but still today had an elevated temp at 101. If it is still elevated on Monday we have to go back in. Ironically we had our 9 month wellness check the next day and got to see our regular pediatrician.

On a side note I didn't have my diaper bag which has my Tylenol and ibuprofen in it to give to him before we left for the ER. (I now have two bottles one in the diaper bag and one at home) I also couldn't take a picture of him at the hospital because my camera was at home charging. I keep it in my purse just in case I might need it!!!

(Got this pix off my cell phone, just learned how THANKS Chad)

(This is the bear that the nurse gave to him, it took may pix to get this smily shot)

It just BREAKS my heart to see him hurt and so uncomfortable. It's just not my sweet, happy, smiley boy!!! We love you Shaydon........


Korbi said...

hopefully there is not a next time, but if so, good luck.

Reese Family said...

Oh..that is so sad. I rememeber when Tae had a high temp from'd think me being a nurse and all I'd know what to do. I think I went into "freak mom mode" and didn't know what to do. It is so sad to see the kids so sick and makes you feel worse when they can't tell you they dont' feel good!
Hope he feels better....

bledsoeblog said...

I am so sorry for you Sommers! We have all been there, you just feel so helpless for the little guys! I will call you on the way home from and see how little Shaydon is doing. I will be thinking of you!

Unknown said...

That makes me so sad, poor little guy! There is nothing worse when your baby is sick, just wish you could take all that pain away for them!!